Numerical Reasoning
Numerical reasoning is the foundation of problem-solving in math. Explore interactive examples and real-world applications to strengthen your skills.
Patterns & Algebraic Reasoning
Use properties of operations, generate equivalent expressions and interpret the expressions to explain relevant situations.
Represent authentic situations using equations and inequalities with variables; solve equations and inequalities symbolically, using the properties of equality.
Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Recognize proportional relationships in relevant, mathematical problems; represent, solve, and explain these relationships with tables, graphs, and equations.
Geometric & Spatial Reasoning
Solve practical problems involving angle measurement, circles, area of circles, surface area of prisms and cylinders, and volume of cylinders and prisms composed of cubes and right prisms.
Probability Reasoning
Using mathematical reasoning, investigate chance processes and develop, evaluate, and use probability models to find probabilities of simple events presented in authentic situations.